Monday, 12 January 2015

Day 4 - Sunday 11th January 2015

Day 4  - Sunday 11th January 2015

(I just had to check my previous day's blog to see what day and date we are up to - I'm 4 days into the holiday and already have no concept of time!)

So Sunday was our last day on board before our first port of call (Madeira). By this point the sea was beautifully calm and we had settled in well to life on board. We started the day by walking round the ship's deck a few times with only minimal moaning by JL, then did another stretch class. We had a light breakfast (the food at lunch and dinner is much nicer than the breakfast food, so we are trying to save our appetites for later in the day!) I don't like the concentrated orange juice which you can get for free on board, and am most unwilling to pay £2 per day for the freshly squeezed orange juice you can buy, so today I came up with a cunning plan - make my own! The oranges are free as past of the buffet so today JL and I brought a couple back to the room and used all our muscles to squeeze out just enough for me to swallow my vitamins with! Much nicer than the concentrated stuff - but I wonder how long we'll be bothered to do it... (Mum, I can hear you groaning now saying "she spent all this money to go on a cruise and she won't pay £2 for a glass of orange juice..."!)

10.00 is my now regular line dancing time - I'm getting quite good at it! Jean-Louis meanwhile went to a talk about the Rolling Stones - he even said he learnt a few things! Then it was the port talk about what will be our second stop off - St Vincent in the Cape Verde Islands. I think the lady doing the presentation wanted everyone to stay on board that day as she spent her whole talk warning people that it was shabby/ poor/ barren/ unsafe/ not much to do there... I wonder if people in the past have complained and so she wanted to warn people that it's not a luxury island.  I think it looks fascinating and I am determined to have a wonderful day when we go there despite her warnings! 

After lunch (scrummy as usual!) I came back to the room to write my blog and have a little snooze, and JL went to find a quiet spot to read. After our daily Internet time, I went to a Legs Bums and Tums class and guess who was there? None other than Marlene! What a claim to fame! :-)

We had an early dinner again so we could squeeze in 2 different shows in the evening - first the ship's theatre group doing a Queen tribute show - it was AMAZING! They packed so many hits into 45 minutes. The men in the room particularly liked the girls' costumes! We went from here to the second show which was a guy called Andrew Skrimshire who plays the cello (apparently he has worked for the BBC and played for the queen!). He was very talented and played a mix of classics and more modern pieces. My favourite was a medley from West Side Story.

We headed back to the room to sort out what we needed to take ashore in Madeira - but you'll have to wait until tomorrow for that one! 

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