Thursday, 5 February 2015

Day 28 - Wednesday 4th February 2015 - at sea

Day 28 - Wednesday 4th February 2015 - at sea

My phone battery died overnight so my alarm didn't go off this morning, meaning we were too late to walk our mile - shock horror! Luckily we still had time for stretch for me and gym for JL though!  Line dancing wasn't on as the room was being used by the theatre group for rehearsals :-( 

JL then went to see his policeman Ian Brown talk about the trial of Kenneth Noye [JL: this top copper has given 8 fascinating talks about crime and the life of the criminals involved.  His take on Kenneth Noye was mind blowing as he was in the front line of the hunt, the arrest as well as subsequent events which followed.  His views on British justice and British judges I'd better not mention here but to cut a long story short Noye got 30 years and no parole for the M25 murder...  He will be released this year and Danielle Cable (she now has a new name, is married with one little boy) will, once again, have to look over her shoulder every day once again] 

Meanwhile I went to do the laundry. Or at least I tried to do the laundry - all the machines were full so after lugging my heavy bag of clothes to two different rooms I gave up and came back to read.

After lunch we watched the port presentation for Valparaiso where we are visiting tomorrow, and then I tried again at the laundry - thankfully I had more luck this time! I read a lot of my book while I was waiting! Meanwhile JL went to see Dr Yan Wong talking about "What is life, and where did we come from?!" After exhausting his brain on this he went and relaxed by the pool.

I went to an abs workout class later (ouch) and then we had an early dinner. We then had an extravaganza of evening entertainment! First it was our classical guitarist playing his last show before he sadly leaves the ship tomorrow - another amazing one. Then it was Gary Ryan (who did the Neil Diamond tribute show the other evening) who sang a selection of sixties and seventies hits. At the end of his show we ran to the other end of the ship to get good seats for the Headliners show which tonight was a medley of ABBA songs - fantastic dancing and fantastic costumes as always! 

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